Case Study
Player Development & Youth Programming
For over 40 years, we’ve helped our properties bring the joy of golf to as many people as possible no matter who they are, where they live or what course they play on. We’re passionate about growing the sport and player development programming is critical to introducing new groups of people to the game.
In 2021, our Golfer Insights Survey queried nearly 25,000 current, lapsed and new golfers and revealed that nearly half of new players are looking for comfortable, social environments to keep them coming back for more rounds. The fun factor is important to new golfers, and we arm our facility teams with playbooks and creative programming ideas – for golfers and non-golfers alike – to drive revenue and keep customers engaged.
As operators and advocates for the game, we are committed to sharing our love and passion for the sport with every kind of player. We dedicate an entire month to player development programming each year (June is Player Development Month for our staff and properties) and provide tools, tips and best practices in real time as new ideas and learnings become available.
We also launched the All Welcome initiative in 2021 designed to attract, welcome and retain new and diverse golfers at our properties. Not to mention, we signed on as the first golf course management company to help launch the golf industry’s new Make Golf Your Thing movement, which focuses on supporting an authentic and joyful environment for learning and inviting people from all backgrounds and skill levels to engage with the game of golf in their own way.
Examples of player development programs and events at our facilities include:
Adult programs and clinics
Get Golf Ready
Socially structured instructional clinics
Men’s, women’s, couples and senior leagues
Themed instruction nights, including food & beverage
Beginner golf programming and social events
National Women’s Golf Day
Equipment demo days
Junior golf camps and lessons
Cross-promotional programs with recreation and multi-sport athletic centers
PGA Junior League
Youth on Course
Spark Golf League
Bring your daughter/son day
Family golf rates and family tees
The First Tee

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