Brett Niner, superintendent at Blue Mash Golf Course

#ThankASuper Spotlight Series: Brett Niner

In honor of international “Thank A Golf Course Superintendent Day,” we are proud to highlight the unsung heroes of the golf industry and KemperSports family: our incredibly hardworking and outstanding superintendents and course maintenance teams.

Brett Niner
Blue Mash Golf Course (Laytonsville, MD)

# of years worked at current course: 5 years
Total years worked in the industry: 11 years

How did you get into the golf maintenance industry?
I was never into golf growing up but when picking what to study in college I knew I wanted to work outside. I never wanted an office job. I grew up in Pennsylvania, and I discovered that Penn State was well known for Turfgrass Science. I put two and two together and decided to give it a try.

What’s your favorite part of the job?
Each day, week, month and year are so different. You never know what each day or season will bring. That’s a good thing and a bad thing but the job never gets dull. Also, getting to see all the crew’s hard work each week and the product we are able to deliver to our guests.

What’s the most misunderstood part of the job?
This job is so much more than growing grass. We make hundreds of decisions each day on a variety of things. Each one is very different from the next but all very important in the success of the course.

What advice would you give to your younger self or younger superintendents just starting out?
Try your best to understand things aren’t always going to go to plan. Difficult things will happen, and turf will die. Just do your best to do the next best thing and keep moving forward.

What are a few accomplishments you are most proud of at your course/in your career?
I’m very proud to how far the course has come in the last five years. I think we have done a good job improving conditions each year, allowing us to become a premier public golf course.

This past year, have you and your team worked/completed any exciting construction/renovation projects? If so, what was your team responsible for and how will it enhance the golf course/facility?
No major projects but we have done many smaller in-house projects. Each winter, we redo a few bunkers that aren’t draining well. We have also added many drain lines throughout the fairways to reduce wet spots.

What insight do you have about the future of the industry? Are there any innovative practices you’re helping lead to benefit the environment/your facility?
When I think about the future of the industry, I’m worried about sustainability. Not just the sustainability of the properties we maintain but also the people in this industry. There are less and less people coming into the industry. Meanwhile, it’s becoming harder to find qualified labor, prices of materials continue to rise and infrastructure gets older. While things have gotten tougher, golfer expectations for great course conditions have gone way up. All this and more have increased the demand on superintendents each day to provide a perfect course during what can be challenging times.

What are some of the most helpful forward-thinking practices that have benefitted your facility? 
Less is more. When turf is stressed or damaged, we want to do something to help it along. While this is sometimes necessary, I find that in July and August the turf just wants to be left alone when it’s hurt. Don’t roll, mow less, raise mowing height and keep the 648 away for a few weeks. All these tools are necessary but can do more harm than good when the turf is already hurt.

What does the game of golf mean to you and how has that helped fuel the passion you have for your career?
The game of golf has really exploded post-COVID. It’s great to see more families and the younger generation getting outside to enjoy mother nature and spend quality time with friends and family.

See below for our full series of #ThankASuper spotlights:

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