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#ThankASuper Spotlight Series: Michael Bostian

In honor of international “Thank A Golf Course Superintendent Day,” we are proud to highlight the unsung heroes of the golf industry and KemperSports family: our incredibly hardworking and outstanding superintendents and course maintenance teams.

Michael Bostian (pictured above in the center with his team at Waverly Woods and his dog Bojangles)
Golf Course Superintendent
Waverly Woods Golf Club (Marriottsville, MD)

# of years worked at current course: 18 years
Total years worked in the industry: 26 years

How did you get into the golf maintenance industry?
My teammates from college introduced me to golf. I went home that summer and right there in the classifieds there was a job posting that mentioned free golf was available for anyone hired on the grounds crew. I fell in love with the job immediately and enrolled in the two-year turf program before I received my four-year degree.

What’s your favorite part of the job?
The constant variety from week to week and season to season. It is fun to watch short-term and long-term goals come together.

What’s the most misunderstood part of the job?
We all manage our resources to the best of our ability to showcase the best product we can day by day. Few people really understand the impact Mother Nature has and how little we are actually in control. Sometimes, we are just along for the ride and we use our experience to make the best decision at that moment.

What advice would you give to your younger self or younger superintendents just starting out?
Take the time and ask around to find a superintendent that will mentor. Don’t just worry about getting a known facility on your resume. Both are very important, but make sure you don’t get lost in the crowd.

What are a few accomplishments you are most proud of at your course/in your career?
Staying at one place and still finding ways to improve the experience for our customers.

This past year, have you and your team worked/completed any exciting construction/renovation projects? If so, what was your team responsible for and how will it enhance the golf course/facility?
We just started renovating tee boxes. Some are undersized, some are crowned or have sloughed off and others need to be aligned with the direction of play. This will improve the golf experience at Waverly. It will probably take a few years to complete, but it feels good to have started.

What insight do you have about the future of the industry? Are there any innovative practices you’re helping lead to benefit the environment/your facility?
So many facilities provide consistent, great conditions, and I think a lot of that has is due to new technology. It is wild to see some processes being automated by robots. It will just take some time for this new technology to become more affordable. I also believe that drones will become a core part of mapping facilities for plant health to reduce staff labor investigating and looking for issues.

What are some of the most helpful forward-thinking practices that have benefitted your facility? 
I have worked with the county school system to develop an apprenticeship program here at Waverly Woods for agronomy. We are just beginning our third year and the few that have come and gone have enjoyed their experience and are still pursuing careers in golf. This industry needs to keep selling our story and let people know what careers are available at golf facilities around the country. Superintendents need to accept the responsibility to improve the enrollment at turf programs around the country so there is qualified labor to fill all these jobs.

What does the game of golf mean to you and how has that helped fuel the passion you have for your career?
I truly feel this is the one job I was meant to do for a living. The game of golf has taken me across the United States and overseas to 300 facilities. I still get excited to visit new properties., and I try to take something away from each experience whether its service, unique architecture, presentation or something agronomic.

See below for our full series of #ThankASuper spotlights:

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