Is your golf business keeping pace?
The golf industry is rapidly changing, growing and always evolving. Is your business doing the same? KemperSports partners with businesses like yours to help them achieve their goals.
Golf is a unique game, and that’s why we love it—it involves strategizing and planning, and is never the same on any given day. Sometimes you play well, other times you don’t, but you’re always keen on improving.
Improving on the course, and successfully operating one, are similar pursuits. Both require every facet of your skillset working harmoniously to execute the perfect plan. And just as golfers seek the knowledge and assistance of swing instructors and coaches, golf courses also have resources to help guide their improvement. That’s where we come in. At KemperSports, we take a similar approach when analyzing the operations of a course. By examining each component of your business, we are able to provide strategic solutions that promote your success. And just as no two swings are the same, we recognize that no two courses are either. That’s why we provide personalized support for every client.
So, what exactly do we do?
Our service offerings are extensive. KemperSports employs over 6,000 people who are dedicated to knowing the unique intricacies of the golf industry, and who are continually learning and adapting to the ever-changing golf market. KemperSports works with a variety of clients, from public courses, private clubs, municipal tracks and resort destinations, to provide tangible business solutions that increase revenue and elevate brand awareness. Developing long-term financial plans, marketing objectives, PR campaigns, human resources training, and forming mutually beneficial business-to-business partnerships, are just a few of the services we provide to clients who seek lasting improvement. In the age of Covid-19, we also work closely with courses to assist in their reopening and provide best practices to leverage the industry’s booming demand.
We go about our business with a strategically detailed approach, suited to meet the specific needs of our clients. By first analyzing the entire business operation, we’re able to identify key issues that contribute to operational deficiencies. Whether your club is struggling to attract new members, has seen a reduction in revenue, wishes to host an important tournament, requires a clubhouse renovation, or maybe needs a fresh rebrand, we partner with you and our industry connections to create a pathway your club can follow. Once our plan is established, we work alongside our clients to ensure the effective implementation of our strategy.
In addition to helping existing clubs improve their product, we also work with clubs that are in the development stage. There is a lot that needs to happen for an idea of a great golf course to become a reality. Luckily, we’ve seen this process through many times, and understand the many logistical hurdles a course faces during the development phase. Our specialists are there for every aspect of this sometimes daunting journey, from clubhouse design, course management, land acquisition, lease negotiations and more. Ultimately, our success depends on yours, and it is this tried and proven business model that allows us to continue to work with a variety of clients from around the world.
If you’re ready to take the next steps in fulfilling the potential of your business, contact us and experience firsthand how we help businesses achieve success.

We own, lease, operate and develop facilities. Contact us to learn more about our service solutions.