Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority Finalized Purchase of Broadmoor Golf Links; New Management Company Hired
Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority Finalized Purchase of Broadmoor Golf Links; New Management Company Hired
(Fletcher, N.C.) The Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority (GARAA) finalized its purchase of Broadmoor Golf Links on July 31, 2020. In addition, the GARAA executed a management agreement with DreamCatcher Broadmoor, LLC to operate and manage the golf course on behalf of the Airport Authority.
The new management of the golf course will begin at 12:01am, August 1, 2020. DreamCatcher has partnered with KemperSports, a leading golf course management firm with extensive expertise, to manage the course on its behalf and create a rewarding and memorable golf experience for its guests.
“The acquisition of the property is important for the Airport Authority,” said Lew Bleiweis, A.A.E., Executive Director. “We are able to protect the airport with continued compatible land use on the property, and simultaneously diversify the airport’s future revenue sources. This purchase will generate a positive return to support the future vitality of our region’s airport.”
While the full operational transition may take a few weeks to complete, it should be smooth for customers – tee times, upcoming events or other scheduled business with Broadmoor will continue. Customers may contact the golf course per usual, and contact information is located at www.broadmoorgolflinks.com.

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