KemperSports, Illinois PGA Foundation and FootJoy Continue COVID-19 Support by Expanding Rain Suits for Responders Program
Campaign Met Needs of AMITA Health and Now Turns Focus to Support VFW Department of Illinois and the Network of VA Hospitals with Personal Protection Equipment
NORTHBROOK, Illinois – May 26, 2020 – Having met the needs for AMITA Health, KemperSports, the Illinois PGA Foundation and FootJoy announced that it will partner with the VFW Department of Illinois to continue the Rain Suits for Responders program to serve more healthcare professionals in need. The program, which started in April, will now bring new or gently used men’s and women’s golf rain suits directly to healthcare workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus battle in five VA Hospitals across Illinois, as well as veterans in need. Waterproof golf rain suits can serve as reusable Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) by healthcare workers.
“The VFW Department of Illinois is thankful for the opportunity to be a part of Rain Suits for Responders,” said Brad Gould, Commander, VFW Department of Illinois. “Being able to take part in an initiative to help Veterans Administration medical personnel on the frontlines who are taking care of veterans, service members, and dependents contributes to our mission and exemplifies the VFW motto, ‘No One Does More For Veterans.’”
The donation process is easy. A website – RainSuitsforResponders.com – has been established for donors to register their rain suit shipment and receive a free shipping label via email. Once the rain suit is packaged, donors can schedule a pickup at their home or drop off their donation package at a local shipping facility. The Illinois PGA Foundation is committed to financially supporting the program by absorbing a portion of the shipping costs.
“The support and effort by our staff, Illinois PGA professionals and the golf community to send rain suits to healthcare professionals has been a bright spot during this time,” said Steve Skinner, CEO of KemperSports, a leading golf course management company based in Northbrook. “This program is a way for the golf community to make a positive impact on the lives of the healthcare heroes who are fighting COVID-19. We feel compelled to continue this work to bring necessary PPE resources to the healthcare professionals in VA hospitals and other veterans in need.”
Donors can also make a charitable donation directly to the Rain Suits for Responders Fund. For every $100 that is donated, KemperSports and FootJoy will provide a brand-new rain suit to VFW Department of Illinois. Details for making a charitable donation can also be found at RainSuitsforResponders.com.
“The Illinois PGA Foundation is pleased to team up with KemperSports, FootJoy and the VFW Department of Illinois to continue its Rain Suits for Responders program. We’re proud to financially support the program and promote it to our more than 800 Illinois PGA Professionals who manage 300 golf facilities throughout the Chicagoland area as well as Northern and Central Illinois,” said Carrie Williams, Executive Director of the Illinois PGA Section and Illinois PGA Foundation.
KemperSports and the Illinois PGA Foundation would like to acknowledge AMITA Health and Wadsworth Golf Charities Foundation for their support during the first phase of the program. The Wadsworth Foundation kicked off the campaign with a $10,000 pledge to support the initial donation of 100 rain suits and AMITA Health personnel assisted with program management logistics.
PPE is used every day by healthcare personnel to help protect themselves, patients and others when providing care. PPE shortages are currently posing a tremendous challenge to the U.S. healthcare system because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare facilities are having difficulty accessing the needed PPE and are having to identify alternate ways to provide patient care.
Northbrook, Ill.-based KemperSports builds, owns, leases and manages golf courses, resorts, athletic clubs and lodging venues across the U.S. and Caribbean. The company manages an award-winning portfolio including nationally-ranked courses, private clubs, municipal courses and tournament venues such as Bandon Dunes Golf Resort, named the No. 1 Golf Resort in North America by Golf Digest and GOLF magazine; Streamsong Resort; The Glen Club; Desert Willow Golf Resort; Chambers Bay, host of the 2015 U.S. Open. For more information about KemperSports, please visit https://www.kempersports.com/. Join the KemperSports social media conversation at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Illinois PGA/Illinois PGA Foundation
The Illinois Section of the PGA of America is a professional organization serving the men and women golf professionals in northern and central Illinois who are the recognized experts in growing, teaching and managing the game of golf. The Illinois PGA is responsible for the administration of competitive golf tournaments, educational opportunities, support programs and growth of the game initiatives. With more than 800 members and apprentices, the Illinois PGA is one of the 41 regional Sections that comprise the PGA of America. The Illinois PGA Foundation focuses its community efforts on promoting the goodwill and growth of the game with an emphasis on activities that benefit youth as well as community support programs. Foundation initiatives include: GolfWorks Illinois, Youth-based Scholarship Funds, Birdies for Charity, and the Illinois Golf Hall of Fame. For more information about the Illinois PGA and the Illinois PGA Foundation, please visit www.ipga.com and join us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
FootJoy is a global leader in golf wearables, including golf shoes, apparel, gloves and accessories. The #1 shoe brand on the PGA Tour for an unprecedented 75 years, FootJoy is committed to achieving an unrivaled balance between craftsmanship and technology, style and comfort, fit and function.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is the nation’s largest and oldest major combat veterans’ organization. Founded in 1899 and chartered by Congress in 1936, the VFW is comprised entirely of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. With nearly 1.7 million VFW and Auxiliary members located in nearly 6,400 Posts worldwide, the nonprofit veterans’ service organization is proud to proclaim “NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS” than the VFW, which is dedicated to veterans’ service, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs. For more information or to join, visit our website at www.vfw.org to locate a local Post.
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Megan Godfrey, KemperSports
mgodfrey@kempersports.com | 708-214-4287
Kevin Quinn, Illinois PGA Foundation
kbquinn@pgahq.com | 708-336-1294
Carl Sorensen, VFW Department of Illinois
prdirector@vfwil.org | 847.721.0281

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